Title: | Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage using Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression |
Description: | Functions are provided to calculate and display ridge TRACE Diagnostics for a variety of alternative Shrinkage Paths. While all methods focus on Maximum Likelihood estimation of unknown true effects under normal distribution-theory, some estimates are modified to be Unbiased or to have "Correct Range" when estimating either [1] the noncentrality of the F-ratio for testing that true Beta coefficients are Zeros or [2] the "relative" MSE Risk (i.e. MSE divided by true sigma-square, where the "relative" variance of OLS is known.) The eff.ridge() function implements the "Efficient Shrinkage Path" introduced in Obenchain (2022) <Open Statistics>. This "p-Parameter" Shrinkage-Path always passes through the vector of regression coefficient estimates Most-Likely to achieve the overall Optimal Variance-Bias Trade-Off and is the shortest Path with this property. Functions eff.aug() and eff.biv() augment the calculations made by eff.ridge() to provide plots of the bivariate confidence ellipses corresponding to any of the p*(p-1) possible ordered pairs of shrunken regression coefficients. Functions for plotting TRACE Diagnostics now have more options. |
Authors: | Bob Obenchain |
Maintainer: | Bob Obenchain <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-17 04:45:06 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/RXshrink |
The functions in this package augment basic calculations of Generalized Ridge and Least Angle Regression plus Visual Insights from five types of ridge TRACE display: [1] regression coefficients, [2] relative MSE risk, [3] excess eigenvalues, [4] inferior direction cosines, and [5] shrinkage delta-factors. These TRACEs reveal the primary Effects of Shrinkage along ridge paths with 1, 2 or more parameters: shrinkage m-Extent, path q-Shape, and the p shrinkage delta-factors applied to the uncorrelated components of the Ordinary Least Squares estimator. All paths start at the OLS estimate [m = 0] and end at the shrinkage Terminous, (0, 0, ..., 0), where m = p = rank of the centered and rescaled X-matrix. Three different measures of overall Likelihood of minimal MSE risk (Classical Normal-Theory, Empirical Bayes, and Random Coefficients) are monitored to suggest an optimal m-Extent of shrinkage for the given matrix of non-constant x-Variables and the observed y-Outcome vector.
Package: | RXshrink |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.3 |
Date: | 2023-08-15 |
License: | GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991 |
The eff.ridge() function calculates generalized ridge TRACE statistics for the Efficient Shrinkage PATH with p > 1 parameters. This PATH always passes through the Beta coefficient point-estimate that is most likely to achieve optimal MSE risk reductions under normal distribution-theory. This PATH is as Short as Possible; it consists of a Two-Piece Linear function with its single "interior" Knot at the MSE Risk Optimal m-Extent of Shrinkage.
MLboot(), MLcalc() and MLhist() support use of Bootstrap resampling to study both the Bias and the MSE Risk characeristics of non-linear (unrestricted) Generalized Ridge Regression (GRR) estimators.
When true regression parameters have user-specified (KNOWN) numerical values, MLtrue() uses this information and generates a new data.frame that contains a y-Outcome vector of the expected form with "disturbance" terms that are I.I.D. Normal errors-in-measurement. Arguments to MLtrue() must include the "formula" for a desired linear model and a data.frame containing the specified X-variables.
qm.ridge() calculates and displays TRACEs for traditional PATHs defined by just 2-parameters: q-Shape and m-Extent of Shrinkage. By default, the search for the Path with most likely q-Shape uses a lattice of only 21 values within [-5,+5]. However, lattice searches for both q-Shape and m-Extent are easy to modify using the qmax, qmin, nq and steps arguments to qm.ridge(). The "ordinary" ridge Path of Hoerl and Kennard always uses q-Shape = 0, while "uniform" shrinkage corresponds to q-Shape = +1. NONE of these qm-Paths generally achieve Overall Minimum MSE Risk when p > 2 because they restrict attention to a "monotome" (increasing or decreasing) family of "delta" shrinkage-factors.
aug.lars() augments the Efron-Hastie lars() R-function to perform Least Angle Regression with MSE risk calculations and Maximum Likelihood TRACE displays ...like those of eff.ridge() and qm.ridge().
uc.lars() applies Least Angle Regression methods to the Uncorrelated Components of a possibly ill-conditioned set of x-Variables. Calculations use a closed-form expression for lars/lasso shrinkage delta-factors that apply because NO Ill-Conditioning is present in these "uc" cases.
correct.signs() displays the Normal-theory maximum likelihood estimate of the regression coefficient vector that minimizes MSE Risk in the UNKNOWN direction of p-space PARALLEL to the true Beta vector. This estimate corrects "wrong-sign" problems in the sense that its coefficients have the same relative magnitudes and numerical signs as those of the "Correlation Form" of the X'y vector.
YonX() displays Shrinkage statistics and graphics for "simple" linear regression (p = 1) models.
RXpredict() makes predictions (i.e. computes "fitted.values") for 6 types of RXshrink estimation ...either at a user-specified m-Extent of Shrinkage or at the Normal-theory "minMSE" m-Extent.
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Efron B, Hastie T, Johnstone I, Tibshirani R. (2003) Least angle regression. Annals of Statistics 32, 407-499.
Goldstein M, Smith AFM. (1974) Ridge-type estimators for regression analysis. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 36, 284-291. (The 2-parameter shrinkage family.)
Obenchain RL. (1975) Ridge Analysis Following a Preliminary Test of the Shrunken Hypothesis. Technometrics 17, 431-441. doi:10.1080/00401706.1975.10489369
Obenchain RL. (1977) Classical F-tests and Confidence Regions for Ridge Regression. Technometrics 19, 429-439. doi:10.1080/00401706.1977.10489582
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2023) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.3. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
These functions perform calculations that determine whether least angle and lasso regression estimates correspond to generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimates (i.e. whether they use shrinkage delta-factors that are both non-negative and strictly less than 1.0). They also estimate the Normal-theory likelihood that MSE risk is minimized and compute diagnostics for display in ridge TRACE plots.
aug.lars(form, data, rscale = 1, type = "lar", trace = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
aug.lars(form, data, rscale = 1, type = "lar", trace = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
type |
One of "lasso", "lar" or "forward.stagewise" for function lars(). Names can be abbreviated to any unique substring. Default in aug.lars() is "lar". |
trace |
If TRUE, lars() function prints out its progress. |
eps |
The effective zero for lars(). |
omdmin |
Strictly positive minimum allowed value for one-minus-delta (default = 9.9e-013.) |
aug.lars() calls the Efron/Hastie lars() function to perform Least Angle Regression on x-variables that have been centered and possibly rescaled but which may be (highly) correlated. Maximum likelihood TRACE displays paralleling those of eff.ridge() and qm.ridge() are also computed and (optionally) plotted.
An output list object of class aug.lars:
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of principal statistics. |
gmat |
Orthogonal matrix of direction cosines for regressor principal axes. |
lars |
An object of class lars. |
coef |
Matrix of shrinkage-ridge regression coefficient estimates. |
risk |
Matrix of MSE risk estimates for fitted coefficients. |
exev |
Matrix of excess MSE eigenvalues (ordinary least squares minus ridge.) |
infd |
Matrix of direction cosines for the estimated inferior direction, if any. |
spat |
Matrix of shrinkage pattern multiplicative delta factors. |
mlik |
Listing of criteria for maximum likelihood selection of M-extent-of-shrinkage. |
sext |
Listing of summary statistics for all M-extents-of-shrinkage. |
mClk |
Most Likely Extent of Shrinkage Observed: best multiple of (1/steps) <= p. |
minC |
Minimum Observed Value of Normal-theory -2*log(Likelihood-Ratio). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Breiman L. (1995) Better subset regression using the non-negative garrote. Technometrics 37, 373-384.
Efron B, Hastie T, Johnstone I, Tibshirani R. (2003) Least angle regression. Annals of Statistics 32, 407-499.
Hastie T, Efron, B. (2013) lars: Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise. ver 1.2, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lars
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Tibshirani R. (1996) Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 58, 267-288.
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxlobj <- aug.lars(form, data=longley2) rxlobj plot(rxlobj) str(rxlobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxlobj <- aug.lars(form, data=longley2) rxlobj plot(rxlobj) str(rxlobj)
Obenchain(1978) discussed the risk of linear generalized ridge estimators in individual directions within p-dimensional X-space. While shrinkage to ZERO is clearly optimal for all directions strictly ORTHOGONAL to the true BETA, he showed that optimal shrinkage in the UNKNOWN direction PARALLEL to the true BETA is possible. This optimal BETA estimate is of the form k * X'y, where k is the positive scalar given in equation (4.2), page 1118. The correct.signs() function computes this estimate, B(=), that uses GRR delta-shrinkage factors proportional to X-matrix eigenvalues.
correct.signs(form, data)
correct.signs(form, data)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
Ill-conditioned (nearly multi-collinear) regression models can produce Ordinary Least Squares estimates with numerical signs that differ from those of the X'y vector. This is disturbing because X'y contains the sample correlations between the X-predictor variables and y-response variable. After all, these variables have been "centered" by subtracting off their mean values and rescaled to vectors of length one. Besides displaying OLS estimates, the correct.signs() function also displays the "correlation form" of X'y, the estimated delta-shrinkage factors, and the k-rescaled beta-coefficients. Finally, the "Bfit" vector of estimates proportional to B(=) is displayed that minimizes the restricted Residual Sum-of-Squares. This restricted RSS of Bfit cannot, of course, be less than the RSS of OLS, but it can be MUCH less that the RSS of B(=) whenever B(=) shrinkage appears excessive.
An output list object of class "correct.signs":
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of principal statistics (p by 5) from qm.ridge(). |
kpb |
Maximum likelihood estimate of k-factor in equation (4.2) of Obenchain(1978). |
bmf |
Rescaling factor for B(=) to minimize the Residual Sum-of-Squares. |
signs |
Listing of five Beta coefficient statistics (p by 5): OLS, X'y, Delta, B(=) and Bfit. |
loff |
Lack-of-Fit statistics: Residual Sum-of-Squares for OLS, X'y, B(=) and Bfit. |
sqcor |
Squared Correlation between the y-vector and its predicted values. The two values displayed are for OLS predictions or for predictions using Bfit, X'y or B(=). These two values are the familiar R^2 coefficients of determination for OLS and Bfit. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.2. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
, qm.ridge
and MLtrue
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxcsobj <- correct.signs(form, data=longley2) rxcsobj str(rxcsobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxcsobj <- correct.signs(form, data=longley2) rxcsobj str(rxcsobj)
This function makes classical (rather than Bayesian) Normal distribution-theory calculations of the form proposed in Obenchain(1977). Instead of providing "new" confidence regions for estimable linear functions, Generalized Ridge Regression (GRR) can focus interest on estimates that are within traditional confidence intervals and regions but which deviate reasonably from the centroid of that interval or region.
efobj |
An output object of class "eff.ridge". |
An output list object of class "eff.aug"...
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
LMobj |
The lm() output object for the model fitted using eff.ridge(). |
bstar |
The p by 3 matrix of GRR coefficients. Column 1 contains OLS estimates, the middle column gives optimally biased coefficient estimates corresponding to the "Interior Knot" on all p of the Two-Piece Linear Splines, and column 3 contains all zeros for the Shrinkage Terminus. |
mcal |
Three increasing measures of shrinkage "Extent". The first is 0 for the OLS (BLUE) estimate, the second is the Maximum Likelihood m-Extent of Shrinkage [PURPLE point], and the third is m = p for Shrinkage to beta = 0. This "shrinkage terminus" [BLACK point] is frequently outside of the eff.biv() plot frame ...allowing the ellipse to be as LARGE as possible. |
vnams |
Names of all variables actually used in the GRR model. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1977) Classical F-tests and Confidence Regions for Ridge Regression. Technometrics 19, 429-439. doi:10.1080/00401706.1977.10489582
Obenchain RL. (2021) The Efficient Shrinkage Path: Maximum Likelihood of Minimum MSE Risk. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05161
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
This function specifies which Pair of GRR estimates to display and the single (or dual) Confidence Level(s) of the Ellipse(s) displayed. Reguested confidence levels must both be equal to or greater than 0.05 and less than or equal to 0.95.
eff.biv(efaug, x1 = 1, x2 = 2, conf1 = 0.95, conf2 = 0.50)
eff.biv(efaug, x1 = 1, x2 = 2, conf1 = 0.95, conf2 = 0.50)
efaug |
An output list object of class "eff.aug" for a GRR model with p >= 2 x-Variables. |
x1 |
Integer index value >= 1 and <= p for the x-Coefficient to be displayed on the horizontal axis. |
x2 |
Integer index value >= 1 and <= p for the x-Coefficient to be displayed on the vertical axis. Index x2 must differ from x1 to display a plot. |
conf1 |
This first Confidence level must be >= 0.05 and <= 0.95 to display an Ellipse. |
conf2 |
When the second Confidence level is >= 0.05 and <= 0.95, its Ellipse is displayed. No plot is displayed when both conf1 and conf2 are outside of the [0.05, 0.95] range. |
An output list object of class "eff.biv"...
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
LMobj |
The lm() output object for the model fitted using eff.ridge(). |
bstar |
The p by 3 matrix of shrunken GRR coefficients. The 3 columns correspond to OLS estimates, optimally shrunken estimates, and estimates shrunken to Zeros. |
mcal |
Three increasing measures of shrinkage m-Extent: 0 for OLS [BLUE], the Optimal m-Extent at the "Interior Knot" [PURPLE], and m = p [BLACK] at the Shrinkage Terminus. |
ellip1 |
matrix[100, 2] of points on confidence ellipse 1. |
conf1 |
confidence level of ellipse 1 within [0.05, 0.95]. |
ecor1 |
Pearson correlation between x1 and x2 coordinates. |
ellip2 |
matrix[100, 2] of points on confidence ellipse 2. |
conf2 |
confidence level of ellipse 2 within [0.05, 0.95]. |
ecor2 |
Pearson correlation between x1 and x2 coordinates. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1977) Classical F-tests and Confidence Regions for Ridge Regression. Technometrics 19, 429-439. doi:10.1080/00401706.1977.10489582
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Murdoch DJ. and Chow ED. (1996). A graphical display of large correlation matrices. The American Statistician 50, 178-180.
Murdoch DJ. ellipse: Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ellipse
, ellipse.lm
, eff.ridge
Compute and display TRACEs for the p-paramater Shrinkage PATH passing through the (classical) Normal-theory Maximum Likelihood (ML) point-estimate of the Beta coefficient vector. The m-Extent of overall Optimal Shrinkage corresponding to this solution occurs at the only "interior" Knot on the Shrinkage Path and is also marked by the vertical dashed-line drawn on all 5-types of eff.ridge TRACE displays.
eff.ridge(form, data, rscale = 1, steps = 20, ...)
eff.ridge(form, data, rscale = 1, steps = 20, ...)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...+xp] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
data.frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
steps |
Number of equally spaced values per unit change along the horizontal M-extent-of-shrinkage axis for estimates to be calculated and displayed in TRACES (default = 20.) |
... |
Optional argument(s) |
Ill-conditioned and/or nearly multi-collinear regression models are unlikely to produce Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression coefficient estimates that are very close, numerically, to their unknown true values. Specifically, OLS estimates can have unreasonable relative magnitudes or "wrong" numerical signs when the number of x-variables is 2 or more. Shrunken (Generalized Ridge Regression) estimates chosen to maximize their likelihood of reducing Mean Squared Error (MSE) Risk (expected Squared Error Loss) can be more stable and reasonable, numerically. On the other hand, because only OLS estimates are guaranteed to be minimax when risk is matrix valued (truly multivariate), no guarantee of an actual reduction in MSE Risk is necessarily associated with shrinkage.
An output list object of class eff.ridge:
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula is the first argument. |
p |
Number of regression x-predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-squared: proportion of variance explained. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of 5 summary statistics for each of p-Principal Axes. |
rscale |
Variable re-scaling code of 0, 1 or 2 used in calculations. |
data |
The data.frame containing all variables listed in the formula. |
gmat |
Orthogonal Matrix of Direction Cosines for Principal Axes. |
coef |
Matrix of shrinkage-ridge regression coefficient estimates. |
rmse |
Matrix of MSE risk estimates for fitted coefficients. |
exev |
Matrix of excess MSE eigenvalues (ordinary least squares minus ridge.) |
infd |
Matrix of direction cosines for the estimated inferior direction, if any. |
spat |
Matrix of shrinkage pattern multiplicative delta-factors. |
mlik |
Listing of criteria for maximum likelihood selection of an m-Extent for Shrinkage. |
sext |
Listing of summary statistics for all M-extents-of-shrinkage. |
mStar |
Optimal m-Extent of Shrinkage with delta[j] = dMSE[j] on TRACE displays. |
mMSE |
Minimum MSE Risk estimate. |
mClk |
Most Likely Observed Extent of Shrinkage: best multiple of (1/steps) <= p. |
minC |
Minimum Observed Value of Normal-theory -2*log(Likelihood-Ratio). |
dMSE |
Most Likely to be Optimal-values for Shrinkage: dMSE[j] for j in [1:p]. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Thompson JR. (1968) Some shrinkage techniques for estimating the mean. Journal of the American Statistical Association 63, 113-122. (The “cubic” estimator.)
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2021) The Efficient Shrinkage Path: Maximum Likelihood of Minimum MSE Risk. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05161
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.3. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
, meff
, correct.signs
, MLtrue
and RXpredict
data(longley2) form <- Employed~GNP+GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=longley2) rxefobj # print shrinkage summary statistics... plot(rxefobj) # 5 TRACEs on 1 plot... str(rxefobj)
data(longley2) form <- Employed~GNP+GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=longley2) rxefobj # print shrinkage summary statistics... plot(rxefobj) # 5 TRACEs on 1 plot... str(rxefobj)
Heat evolved during setting of 13 cement mixtures of four (or five) ingredients. The first four ingredient percentages appear to be "rounded down" to a full integer. The fifth integer percentage of "other" material assures that the five percentages sum to exactly 100%. However, the "centered" X-matrix resulting from inclusion of all five ingredients would then be Singular (rank=4). In other words, regressing any y-Outcome on only the first four X-variables yields an "ill-conditioned" model that, while having numerical "full rank"=4, actually suffers a effective "rank deficiency" of at least mcal = 1.
A data frame with 13 observations on the following 6 variables.
Positive Integer percentage of 3CaO.Al2O3 [tricalcium aluminate] in the mixture.
Positive Integer percentage of 3CaO.SiO2 [tricalcium silicate] in the mixture.
Positive Integer percentage of 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 [tetracalcium aluminoferrite] in the mixture.
Positive Integer percentage of 2CaO.SiO2 [dicalcium silicate] in the mixture.
Positive Integer percentage of other ingredients in the mixture.
Heat (cals/gm) evolved in setting, recorded to nearest tenth.
The (RXshrink) haldport data are identical to the (MASS) cement data except for variable names and inclusion of the "other" X-variable.
Woods H, Steinour HH, Starke HR. "Effect of composition of Portland cement on heat evolved during hardening. Industrial Engineering and Chemistry 1932; 24: 1207-1214.
Hald A. Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications. 1952 (page 647.) New York; Wiley.
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Data from the "Employment and Training Report of the President, 1976" compiled by Art Hoerl, University of Delaware. This data.frame contains both [1] some different ("corrected") numerical values from those used by Longley(1967) and [2] the added years of 1963-1975. Longley(1967) used only data from the 16 years of 1947 through 1962.
A data.frame of 7 variables covering 29 consecutive years; no NAs.
GNP price deflation index.
Unemployment percentage.
Size of the Armed Forces.
Total U.S. Population.
1947 to 1975.
Gross National Product.
Longley JW. An appraisal of least-squares programs from the point of view of the user. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 1967; 62: 819-841.
Hoerl AE, Kennard RW. Ridge Regression - Present and Future. 12th Symposium on the Interface. 1979. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The meff() function computes the numerical Shrinkage delta-factors corresponding to any desired m-Extent of Shrinkage, meobj, along the "efficient" (shortest) Path used by eff.ridge(). This Two-Piece Linear Path has its single "interior" Knot at the Normal-theory Maximum Likelihood estimate with Minimum MSE Risk: d[j] = dMSE[j] for j = 1, 2, ..., p.
meff(meobj, p, dMSE)
meff(meobj, p, dMSE)
meobj |
A desired m-Extent of Shrinkage along the "efficient" Path. |
p |
The integer number of non-constant x-variables used in defining the linear model being fitted to ill-conditioned (intercorrelated, confounded) data. Note that p must also be rank of the given X-matrix. |
dMSE |
Maximum Likelihood [ML] estimates of Shrinkage Delta-Factors leading to minimum MSE risk. |
The appropriate scalar value for m and corresponding p by p diagonal matrix d:
meobj |
Any desired m-Extent of Shrinkage (a scalar) within [0, p]. |
d |
The p by p diagonal matrix of shrinkage-factors: d[j,j] in [0, 1]. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Resample With-Replacement from a given data.frame and recompute MSE risk-optimal estimates of Beta-Coefficients and their Relative MSE risks using MLcalcs() to compute ML point-estimates.
MLboot(form, data, reps=100, seed, rscale=1)
MLboot(form, data, reps=100, seed, rscale=1)
form |
Regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
data.frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
reps |
Number of Bootstrap replications: Minimum reps = 10, Default is reps = 100. While reps = 10000 is reasonable for bivariate (p=2) linear models, even that many reps could be excessive for models with p >> 2. |
seed |
Either an Integer between 1 and 999 or else missing to generate a random seed. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
Ill-conditioned and/or nearly multi-collinear linear regression models are unlikely to yield reasonable ML unbiased (OLS) point-estimates. But more reasonable ML "optimally-biased" point-estimates from generalized ridge regression (GRR) typically have questionable MSE risk characteristics because they are complicated non-linear functions of the observed y-outcome vector. Thus the distribution of bootstrap resamples is of considerable interest in both theory and practice.
An output list object of class MLboot:
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
reps |
Number of Bootstrap replications performed. |
seed |
Seed used to start random number generator. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
p |
Number of beta, rmse or dmse estimates resampled. |
ols.beta |
OLS matrix (reps x p) of unbiased beta-coefficient estimates. |
ols.rmse |
OLS matrix (reps x p) of beta-coefficient relative variances. |
opt.dmse |
OPT matrix (reps x p) of delta shrinkage-factors with minimum MSE risk. |
opt.beta |
OPT matrix (reps x p) of biased beta-coefficient estimates. |
opt.rmse |
OPT matrix (reps x p) of beta-coefficient relative MSE risks. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Thompson JR. (1968) Some shrinkage techniques for estimating the mean. Journal of the American Statistical Association 63, 113-122. (The "cubic" estimator.)
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Compute MSE risk-optimal point-estimates of Beta-Coefficients and their Relative MSE risks. Much of the code for this function is identical to that of eff.ridge(), which computes multiple points along the "Efficient" Shrinkage Path. MLcalc() restricts attention to only two points: [1] the Unbiased OLS (BLUE) vector and [2] the Most Likely to be Optimally Biased [Minimum MSE Risk] vector of estimates.
MLcalc(form, data, rscale = 1)
MLcalc(form, data, rscale = 1)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
Ill-conditioned and/or nearly multi-collinear regression models are unlikely to produce Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression coefficient estimates that are very close, numerically, to their unknown true values. Specifically, OLS estimates can then tend to have "wrong" numerical signs and/or unreasonable relative magnitudes, while shrunken (generalized ridge) estimates chosen to Maximize their Likelihood of reducing Mean Squared Error (MSE) Risk (expected squared-error loss) can be more stable numerically. On the other hand, because only OLS estimates are guaranteed to be minimax when risk is Matrix Valued (truly multivariate), no guarantee of an expected reduction in MSE Risk is necessarily associated with "Optimal" Generalized Ridge Regression shrinkage.
An output list object of class MLcalc:
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of principal statistics. |
gmat |
Orthogonal Matrix of Direction Cosines for Principal Axes [1:p, 1:p]. |
beta |
Numerical shrinkage-ridge regression coefficient estimates [1:2, 1:p]. |
rmse |
Numerical MSE risk estimates for fitted coefficients [1:2, 1:p]. |
dMSE |
Numerical delta-factors for shrinking OLS components [1:p]. |
ys |
Numerical rescaling factor for y-outcome variable [1, 1]. |
xs |
Numerical rescaling factors for given x-variables [1:p]. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Thompson JR. (1968) Some shrinkage techniques for estimating the mean. Journal of the American Statistical Association 63, 113-122. (The “cubic” estimator.)
Obenchain RL. (2021) The Efficient Shrinkage Path: Maximum Likelihood of Minimum MSE Risk. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05161
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Frequency Histogram displays that use both a specified "Middle Percentage" of a MLboot() distribution that contains outliers as well as a proposed total number of bins.
MLhist(x, comp="opt.beta", xvar=1, npct = 95, bins = 50 )
MLhist(x, comp="opt.beta", xvar=1, npct = 95, bins = 50 )
x |
An Output-list object of class "MLboot". |
comp |
One of five possible choices of MLboot() resampled estimates: "ols.beta", "ols.rmse", "opt.dmse", "opt.beta" or "opt.rmse". |
xvar |
Column number of estimates to be displayed: 1 <= xvar <= x$p. |
npct |
An integer percentage of the simulated scalar estimates to be displayed. This percentage should be at least 66 and at most 100. |
bins |
This proposed number of histogram "breaks" is only a suggestion; actual breakpoints will be set to "pretty" values. |
An output list object of class MLhist:
x |
Character string showing user choices for "comp" and "xvar" arguments. |
form |
The regression formula specifying the linear model in MLboot(). |
reps |
Number of Bootstrap replications performed. |
npct |
An integer percentage of the simulated scalar estimates displayed. |
rbins |
Number of histogram Bins requested. |
dbins |
Number of histogram Bins actually displayed. |
ntot |
Total number of rows of scalar estimates. |
p |
Total number of columns of scalar estimates. |
nlo |
First (smallest) order statistic displayed in Histogram. |
nup |
Last (largest) order statistic displayed in Histogram. |
noin |
Total number of scalar estimates displayed in Histogram. |
xmn |
Observed Mean Estimate: location of vertical "blue" dashed line on Histogram. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Using specified numerical values for Parameters, such as the true error-term variance, that usually are unknown, MLtrue() creates a new data.frame that contains variables "Yhat" (the vector of expected values) and "Yvec" (Yhat + IID Normal error-terms) as well as the p given X-variables. Thus, MLtrue() produces "correct" linear models that can be ideal for analysis and bootstraping via methods based on Normal-theory.
MLtrue(form, data, seed, go=TRUE, truv, trub, truc)
MLtrue(form, data, seed, go=TRUE, truv, trub, truc)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
seed |
Seed for random number generation between 1 and 1000. When this seed number is missing in a call to MLtrue(), a new seed is generated using runif(). Error terms are then generated using calls to rnorm(), and the seed used is reported in the MLtrue output.list to enable reproducible research. |
go |
Logical value: go=TRUE starts the simulation using OLS estimates or the numerical values from the (optional) truv, trub and truc arguments to define the "Yhat" and "Yvec" variables; go=FALSE causes MLtrue() to compute OLS estimates that ignore the truv, trueb and truc arguments. Thus, go=FALSE provides a convenient way for users to Print and Examine the MLtrue() output.list before deciding which parameter-settings they wish to actually USE or MODIFY before making a final run with go=TRUE. |
truv |
Optional: numerical value for the true error variance, sigma^2. |
trub |
Optional: column vector of numerical values for the true regression coefficients. |
truc |
Optional: column vector of numerical values for the true uncorrelated components of the regression coefficient vector. |
RXshrink functions like eff.ridge() and qm.ridge() calculate maximum likelihood estimates ...either unbiased (BLUE) or "optimally" biased (minimum MSE risk) along a specified "path"... for typical statistical inference situations where true regression parameters are unknown. Furthermore the specified linear-model may be "incorrect" or the error-terms may not be IID Normal variates. In sharp contrast with this usual situation, the MLtrue() function generates a "Yvec" vector of outcomes from a CORRECT model of the given form that does contain IID Normal error-terms and all true parameter values are KNOWN. This makes it interesting to compare plots and output.lists from RXshrink GRR-estimation functions on a "real" data.frame with the corresponding outputs from a MLtrue() data.frame with known parameter-setting that are either identical to or "close" to those estimated from "real" data. WARNING: All output X-variables are "centered" and "rescaled" to have mean ~0 and variance 1. Yhat expected values are "centered" but usually have variance differing from 1. Yvec values are not "centered" and have variance determined by either the original data.frame or the "truv" setting.
An output list object of class MLtrue:
new |
A data.frame containing the Yvec and Yhat vectors as well as centered and rescaled versions of the input X-matrix and original Y-vector. |
Yvec |
An additional copy of Yvec pseudo-data containing Normal error-terms. |
Yhat |
An additional copy of Yhat linear fitted-values. |
seed |
Seed actually used in random-number generation; needed for replication. |
tvar |
True numerical value of sigma^2 ...[1,1] matrix. |
tbeta |
True numerical values of beta-coefficients ...[p,1] matrix. |
tcomp |
True numerical values of uncorrelated components ...[p,1] matrix. |
useb |
Logical: TRUE => tbeta vector was used in simulation. FALSE => tcomp vector was used rather than tbeta. |
data |
The name of the data.frame object specified in the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula specified in the first argument. NOTE: The final 11 output items [p, ..., xs] are identical to those in output lists from RXshrink functions like eff.ridge() and qm.ridge(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
, qm.ridge
and MLboot
# require(RXshrink) data(mpg) form <- mpg~cylnds+cubins+hpower+weight MLtest <- MLtrue(form, mpg, go=FALSE) # all other potential arguments "missing"... MLtest # print current parameter estimates... cvec <- c(-0.5, 0.15, -0.16, -0.6) # define alternative "true" components... MLout <- MLtrue(form, mpg, truc = cvec ) # Use "truc" input with default go=TRUE... str(MLout) formY <- Yhat~cylnds+cubins+hpower+weight # Formula for true expected Y-outcomes... lmobj <- lm(formY, MLout$new) max(abs(lmobj$residuals)) # essentially 0 because linear model is "correct"... # effobj <- eff.ridge(formY, MLout$new) ...generates "Error" because RSQUARE=1.
# require(RXshrink) data(mpg) form <- mpg~cylnds+cubins+hpower+weight MLtest <- MLtrue(form, mpg, go=FALSE) # all other potential arguments "missing"... MLtest # print current parameter estimates... cvec <- c(-0.5, 0.15, -0.16, -0.6) # define alternative "true" components... MLout <- MLtrue(form, mpg, truc = cvec ) # Use "truc" input with default go=TRUE... str(MLout) formY <- Yhat~cylnds+cubins+hpower+weight # Formula for true expected Y-outcomes... lmobj <- lm(formY, MLout$new) max(abs(lmobj$residuals)) # essentially 0 because linear model is "correct"... # effobj <- eff.ridge(formY, MLout$new) ...generates "Error" because RSQUARE=1.
Performance data for the 1973-74 models of 32 autos from the Road Tests Section of Motor Trends magazine. NOTE: data(mtcars) loads essentially the same data, but most variable names are then different and have fewer characters.
A data frame of 11 variables on 32 autos; no NAs.
number of cylinders.
cubic inches of engine displacement.
engine horsepower.
total weight in pounds.
miles per gallon.
engine shape (0 = V, 1 = Straight).
transmission type (0 = Automatic, 1 = Manual).
number of forward speeds.
number of carburetors.
final drive rtaio.
quarter mile time.
Hocking RA. The Analysis and Selection of Variables in Regression. Biometrics 1976; 32: 1-51.
Henderson HV, Velleman PF. Building multiple regression models interactively. Biometrics 1981; 37: 391-411.
Plot TRACE displays for aug.lars regression coefficients. The default is to display all Five TRACEs on one page with no legend.
## S3 method for class 'aug.lars' plot(x, trace = "all", trkey = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'aug.lars' plot(x, trace = "all", trkey = FALSE, ...)
x |
Output list object of class aug.lars. |
trace |
One of seven possible options: "all" to display 5 traces in one graph, "seq" to display 5 full-sized traces in sequence in response to user prompts, "coef" to display only the estimated beta coefficient trace, "rmse" to display only the estimated relative MSE risk trace, "exev" to display only the estimated excess MSE eigenvalue (OLS minus larlso), "infd" to display only the estimated inferior direction cosine trace, or "spat" to display only the delta-factor pattern trace. |
trkey |
If TRUE, display a crude legend at the bottom of each trace plot. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxlobj <- aug.lars(form, data=longley2) plot(rxlobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxlobj <- aug.lars(form, data=longley2) plot(rxlobj)
Plot One or Two Bivariate Confidence Ellipses or a TRACE display for efficiently shrunken regression coefficients. The default is to display two ellipses at confidence levels 0.95 and 0.50 on a single plot for the first 2 of p >= 2 coefficients. The projection of the eff.ridge() Path from the OLS solution (at m = 0) to the Knot at the most likely Minimum MSE Risk solution (at m = mStar) ...plus the continuation of this Path towards the Shrinkage Terminus at (0,0) is shown in "red". To show the (outer) Ellipse as large as possible, the (0,0) point may be "off the plot".
## S3 method for class 'eff.biv' plot(x, type = "ellip", ...)
## S3 method for class 'eff.biv' plot(x, type = "ellip", ...)
x |
Output list object of class eff.ridge. |
type |
One of 2 options: "ellip" or "trace". The default option of "ellip" displays the Confidence Ellipse(s) specified by arguments to eff.biv(). |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
# Cost-Effectiveness inferences using Linear Models and eff.ridge... ## Not run: library(ICEinfer) data(sepsis) ndr <- ICEpref(sepsis$icu, sepsis$qalypres, sepsis$totcost, lambda=50000, beta=0.1) sndr <- data.frame(cbind(ndr$pref, sepsis)) # ndr: non-linear diminishing returns... form4 <- ndr.pref ~ icu + age + orgfails + apache usndra <- eff.aug(eff.ridge(form4, sndr)) # compare ndr of 2 Intensive Care Units... plot(efobj <- eff.biv(usndra, 2, 4)) efobj # implicit print... # plot(efobj, type = "tr") ## End(Not run)
# Cost-Effectiveness inferences using Linear Models and eff.ridge... ## Not run: library(ICEinfer) data(sepsis) ndr <- ICEpref(sepsis$icu, sepsis$qalypres, sepsis$totcost, lambda=50000, beta=0.1) sndr <- data.frame(cbind(ndr$pref, sepsis)) # ndr: non-linear diminishing returns... form4 <- ndr.pref ~ icu + age + orgfails + apache usndra <- eff.aug(eff.ridge(form4, sndr)) # compare ndr of 2 Intensive Care Units... plot(efobj <- eff.biv(usndra, 2, 4)) efobj # implicit print... # plot(efobj, type = "tr") ## End(Not run)
Plot TRACE displays for the Efficient Path. This path is [1] as short as possible and [2] consists of a Two-Piece Linear-Function with a emphSingle Interior Knot at the MSE Optimal m-Extent of Shrinkage. The default is to display all five Traces on one page with no legend. This function requires the number, p, of non-constant x-variables be at most 30.
## S3 method for class 'eff.ridge' plot(x, trace = "all", LP = 0, HH = 0, ... )
## S3 method for class 'eff.ridge' plot(x, trace = "all", LP = 0, HH = 0, ... )
x |
RXshrink output list object of class eff.ridge. |
trace |
One of seven possible options: "all" to display 5 traces in one graph, "seq" to display 5 full-sized traces in sequence in response to user prompts, "coef" to display only the estimated beta coefficient trace, "rmse" to display only the estimated relative MSE risk trace, "exev" to display only the estimated excess MSE eigenvalue (OLS minus larlso), "infd" to display only the estimated inferior direction cosine trace, or "spat" to display only the delta-factor pattern trace. |
LP |
The "Legend Position" must be an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive: LP = 0 is the default and yields NO legend display, LP = 1 displays a crude legend at the Lower-Right of each trace plot, ... , LP = 7 displays the legend in the Upper-Right position, . , LP = 9 displays the legend in the Middle-Middle position. |
HH |
The "Half Height" plot option is an integer between 0 and 2, inclusive: HH = 0 is the default and yields trace plots with either 1 or 3 rows, HH = 1 calls par(mfrow=c(2,1)) before displaying the current trace plot, HH = 2 displays a 2nd (or sebsequent) trace in "Half Height" mode. NOTE that these "Half Height" options allow users to display both a qm.ridge() and an eff.ridge() trace on a single plot. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=longley2) plot(rxefobj, "coef", LP=7)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=longley2) plot(rxefobj, "coef", LP=7)
Plot TRACE displays for 2-parameter (q, m) generalized ridge estimators. The default is to display all five Traces on one page with no legend. When the number, p, of non-constant x-variables is at most 30, the lines [straight or curved] displayed on Traces avoid (or postpone) use of lty = 3 [dotted].
## S3 method for class 'qm.ridge' plot(x, trace = "all", LP = 0, HH = 0, ... )
## S3 method for class 'qm.ridge' plot(x, trace = "all", LP = 0, HH = 0, ... )
x |
Output list object of class qm.ridge. |
trace |
One of seven possible options: "all" to display 5 traces in one graph, "seq" to display 5 full-sized traces in sequence in response to user prompts, "coef" to display only the estimated beta coefficient trace, "rmse" to display only the estimated relative MSE risk trace, "exev" to display only the estimated excess MSE eigenvalue (OLS minus larlso), "infd" to display only the estimated inferior direction cosine trace, or "spat" to display only the delta-factor pattern trace. |
LP |
The "Legend Position" must be an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive: LP = 0 is the default and yields NO legend display, LP = 1 displays a crude legend at the Lower-Right of each trace plot, ... , LP = 7 displays the legend in the Upper-Right position, . , LP = 9 displays the legend in the Middle-Middle position. |
HH |
The "Half Height" plot option is an integer between 0 and 2, inclusive: HH = 0 is the default and yields trace plots with either 1 or 3 rows, HH = 1 calls par(mfrow=c(2,1)) before displaying the current trace plot, HH = 2 displays a 2nd (or sebsequent) trace in "Half Height" mode. NOTE that these "Half Height" options allow users to display both a qm.ridge() and an eff.ridge() trace on a single plot. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxrobj <- qm.ridge(form, data=longley2) plot(rxrobj, "rmse", LP = 5)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxrobj <- qm.ridge(form, data=longley2) plot(rxrobj, "rmse", LP = 5)
Plot Predicted and/or Fitted.Values for all 5 RXshrink regression estimation methods. The default is to plot Predictions for the y-Outcome variable.
## S3 method for class 'RXpredict' plot(x, fit = "yvecprd", ... )
## S3 method for class 'RXpredict' plot(x, fit = "yvecprd", ... )
x |
Output list object of class RXpredict. |
fit |
One of three possible options:, "yvecprd" to display Predictions of the Observed y-Outcomes in a single plot, "cryprd" to display Fitted.Values for the Centered and Rescaled y-Outcomes, "both" to display "yvecprd" and "cryprd" plots in two rows on one page. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
data(longley2) form <- Employed~GNP+GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, longley2) rxefprd <- RXpredict(rxefobj, longley2) plot(rxefprd) # Clearly Biased predictions can still represent an "Optimal" Variance-Bias Trade-Off...
data(longley2) form <- Employed~GNP+GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, longley2) rxefprd <- RXpredict(rxefobj, longley2) plot(rxefprd) # Clearly Biased predictions can still represent an "Optimal" Variance-Bias Trade-Off...
Display plots for Visual Validation of the syxi() approach that attempts to straighten nonlinear relationships between two variables.
## S3 method for class 'syxi' plot(x, type = "xy", ...)
## S3 method for class 'syxi' plot(x, type = "xy", ...)
x |
syxi output list object of class syxi. |
type |
One of two possible options: "xy" to display a plot of the x-predictor versus the y-outcome with the lm() fitted line in RED and the corresponding gam() Spline fit in BLUE, "sy" (or any string different from "xy") displays a plot of s(x) versus y with only the lm() fit in BLUE. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Plot TRACE displays of lars regression coefficients for the uncorrelated components of the X-matrix. The default option of trace = "all" displays all Five TRACEs on one page.
## S3 method for class 'uc.lars' plot(x, trace = "all", trkey = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'uc.lars' plot(x, trace = "all", trkey = FALSE, ...)
x |
Output list object of class uc.lars. |
trace |
One of seven possible options: "all" to display 5 traces in one graph, "seq" to display 5 full-sized traces in sequence in response to user prompts, "coef" to display only the estimated shrunken beta coefficient trace, "rmse" to display only the estimated relative MSE risk trace, "exev" to display only the estimated excess MSE eigenvalue (OLS minus ridge) trace, "infd" to display only the estimated inferior direction cosine trace, or "spat" to display only the shrinkage (delta) factor pattern trace. |
trkey |
If TRUE, display a crude legend at the bottom-right of each trace plot. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxucobj <- uc.lars(form, data=longley2) plot(rxucobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxucobj <- uc.lars(form, data=longley2) plot(rxucobj)
Graphics for Shrinkage in "Simple" Linear Regression: Models with only p=1 X-variable. The default is to [1] display four TRACES in one plot and then to [2] display the "Y on X" scatter-plot with Three Fitted Lines: the OLS fit is BLUE, the optimally Shrunken fit is "purple", and the largest m-Extent of shrinkage with Relative MSE at most that of OLS is "red". Note: Whenever model lack-of-fit is small, these 3 m-Extents can be quite close to each other.
## S3 method for class 'YonX' plot(x, trace = "all", ... )
## S3 method for class 'YonX' plot(x, trace = "all", ... )
x |
Output list object of class "YonX". |
trace |
One of EIGHT possible options: "all" to display 4 traces on the first plot, then the "YonX" scatter plot; "seq" to display 5 full-sized plots in sequence (in response to user prompts); "coef" to display only the estimated beta coefficient trace (a straight line); "rmse" to display only the (quadratic) estimated relative MSE risk trace; "spat" to display only the delta-factor trace (a straight line); "lglk" to display only the "-2 log(Likelihood Ratio)" trace; "YonX" to display only the Y-vs-X scatter plot with 3 fitted-lines: the OLS fitted line (BLUE), the "purple" Maximum-Likelihood (optimally biased) line, and the "red" line marking the most shrinkage with estimated MSE Relative Risk less than or equal to that of OLS; or "exev" to display only the Excess Eigenvalue trace that is redundant with the "rmse" trace. |
... |
Optional argument(s) passed on to plot(). |
The effects of Shrinkage on Simple Linear Regression models (p = 1) are, in reality, NOT easier to illustrate than the corresponding effects on Multiple Linear Regressiom models (p > 1). In both situations, alternative estimates of effects and risks abound. For example, the estimate chosen can be [1] Maximum Likelihood under Normal-theory, [2] Unbiased under Normal-theory or [3] have "Correct Range". [See Obenchain (1978), equations (3.3) to (3.5), and corresponding text.] When a graphic contains only a single curve, a "reality" is that the general "shape" of the curve (plus any highlighted "points" on that curve) should "look right" or, at the very least, "reasonable".
My choices among alternative estimates of (nonlinear) MSE risk were initially made roughly 30 years ago ...and have remained mostly unchanged (primarily) for consistency with earlier versions of RXshrink.
The NEW "rmse" TRACE for class "YonX" displays MSE Relative Risk estimates from the "qrsk" vector rather than the (traditional) "rmse" estimates for all p = 1 models. This allows MSE Relative Risk estimates to satisfy a Quadratic equation and give the CORRECT visual impression that Relative Risk is MINIMIZED at the ML "purple" point and dotted-line at m = (1-dMSE). Note that the Relative Risk then starts to increase for m > (1-dMSE) and returns to its initial starting level at m = 0 ["blue" point and dotted-line] when the m-Extent reaches m = 2*(1-dMSE) ["red" point and dotted-line.] Finally, when 0.5 < dMSE < 1, the Relative Risk then continues to increase, reaching its Maximum at m = 1. As argued in Obenchain(1978), the "Good" Shrinkage Range is 0 < m < 2*(1-dMSE), between the "blue" and "red" vertical dotted-lines on the "rmse" TRACE.
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
data(haldport) form <- heat ~ p4caf YXobj <- YonX(form, data=haldport) plot(YXobj)
data(haldport) form <- heat ~ p4caf YXobj <- YonX(form, data=haldport) plot(YXobj)
Computes and displays TRACEs for a q-Shaped shrinkage PATH, including the m-Extent of shrinkage along that path, most likely under Normal-distribution theory to yield optimal reducions in MSE Risk. When rank(X-matrix) = p > 2, the most likely solution on the qm.ridge() path will be less likely to have minimal MSE risk than the optimal solution on the p-parameter eff.ridge() path. The Hoerl-Kennard "ordinary" ridge path has Shape q=0 within the qm.ridge() family.
qm.ridge(form, data, rscale = 1, Q = "qmse", steps = 20, nq = 21, qmax = 5, qmin = -5, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
qm.ridge(form, data, rscale = 1, Q = "qmse", steps = 20, nq = 21, qmax = 5, qmin = -5, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
Q |
Shape parameter that controls the curvature of the shrinkage path through regression-coefficient likelihood space (default = "qmse" implies use the value found most likely to be optimal.) Use Q = 0 to specify Hoerl-Kennard "ordinary" ridge regression. |
steps |
Number of equally spaced values per unit change along the horizontal m-Extent-of-shrinkage axis for estimates to be calculated and displayed in TRACES (default = 20.) |
nq |
Number of equally spaced values on the lattice of all possible values for shrinkage q-Shape between the "qmin" and "qmax" parameter settings (default = 21.) |
qmax |
Maximum allowed q-Shape (default = +5.) |
qmin |
Minimum allowed q-Shape (default = -5.) |
omdmin |
Strictly positive minimum value for one-minus-delta (default = 9.9e-013.) |
Traditional qm.ridge() paths cannot be overall-optimal when p > 2 because they are restricted to using strictly "monotone" (increasing or decreasing) shrinkage factors. Still, the "best" m-Extent of qm-shrinkage is marked by a vertical dashed-line on all 5-types of qm.ridge() TRACE displays. Compared to OLS estimates, these shrunken estimates have higher likelihood of reduced MSE risk and can be much more stable and reasonable, numerically. On the other hand, because only OLS estimates are guaranteed to be minimax when risk is MATRIX valued (truly multivariate), no guarantee of an actual reduction in MSE Risk is necessarily associated with shrinkage.
An output list object of class qm.ridge:
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of principal statistics. |
mx |
Matrix containing mean values of X-predictors. |
crlqstat |
Listing of criteria for maximum likelihood selection of path q-Shape. |
qmse |
Numerical value of q-Shape most likely to be optimal. |
qp |
Numerical value of the q-Shape actually used for shrinkage. |
coef |
Matrix of shrinkage-ridge regression coefficient estimates. |
risk |
Matrix of MSE risk estimates for fitted coefficients. |
exev |
Matrix of excess MSE eigenvalues (ordinary least squares minus ridge.) |
infd |
Matrix of direction cosines for the estimated inferior direction, if any. |
spat |
Matrix of shrinkage pattern multiplicative delta factors. |
mlik |
Listing of criteria for maximum likelihood selection of m-Extent-of-shrinkage. |
sext |
Listing of summary statistics for all m-Extents-of-shrinkage. |
mClk |
Most-Likely Extent of Shrinkage Observed: best multiple of (1/steps) <= p. |
minC |
Minimum Observed Value of Normal-theory -2*log(Likelihood-Ratio). |
QS |
Was a Mesh-Search for Best q-Shape requested? : 1 => Yes, 0 => No. |
qML |
Computable only when p=rank=2: True Most-Likely q-Shape. |
kML |
Computable only when p=rank=2: True Most-Likely k-Factor. |
dML1 |
Computable only when p=rank=2: True Most-Likely Delta[1]-Factor. |
dML2 |
Computable only when p=rank=2: True Most-Likely Delta[2]-Factor. |
mML |
Computable only when p=rank=2: True Most-Likely m-Extent. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Burr TL, Fry HA. (2005) Biased Regression: The Case for Cautious Application. Technometrics 47, 284-296.
Goldstein M, Smith AFM. (1974) Ridge-type estimators for regression analysis. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 36, 284-291. (The 2-parameter shrinkage family.)
Obenchain RL. (1975) Ridge Analysis Following a Preliminary Test of the Shrunken Hypothesis. Technometrics 17, 431-441. doi:10.1080/00401706.1975.10489369
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. <doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314>
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108 [Best q-Shape when p = 2.]
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.3. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
, correct.signs
, MLtrue
and RXpredict
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxrobj <- qm.ridge(form, data=longley2) rxrobj plot(rxrobj) str(rxrobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxrobj <- qm.ridge(form, data=longley2) rxrobj plot(rxrobj) str(rxrobj)
RXpredict() makes in-sample predictions (i.e. computes "fitted.values") for all 6 forms of RXshrink estimation either at some user-specified m-Extent of Shrinkage, such as m=0.963, or at the Normal distribution-theory m-Extent most likely to achieve minimum Risk (minMSE).
RXpredict(x, data, m="minMSE", rscale=1)
RXpredict(x, data, m="minMSE", rscale=1)
x |
An object output by one of the 6 RXshrink estimation functions. Thus class(x) must be "qm.ridge", "eff.ridge", "aug.lars", "uc.lars", "MLcalc" or "correct.signs". |
data |
Existing data.frame containing observations on all variables used by the RXshrink function for estimation of regression coefficients. |
m |
The m argument can be either [i] a single "numeric" value that is non-negative and does not exceed rank(X) or [ii] the (default) string "minMSE" to request use of the observed m-Extent of shrinkage most likely to be MSE optimal under Normal distribution-theory. For example, m="0.0" requests use of the (unbaised) OLS estimate [BLUE]. |
rscale |
One of two possible choices (0 or 1) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning. Use "rscale=0" only when the RXshrink estimation function that computed the x-object also used "rscale=0". The default of "rscale=1" should be used in all other cases. |
An output list object of class RXpredict:
cryprd |
Predicted values for the "centered" and POSSIBLY "rescaled" outcome y-vector, cry. These values correspond, for example, to the default "predicted.values" from lm(). |
cry |
This the "centered" and POSSIBLY "rescaled" outcome y-vector from the input data.frame. |
yvecprd |
Predicted values for the Y-outcome variable, yvec. |
yvec |
The Y-outcome vector from the input data.frame specified by the "data" argument. |
m |
"numeric" Value of m-Extent implied by the call to RXpredict(), possibly via a default call with m="minMSE". Restriction: 0 <= m <= rank(X). |
mobs |
Observed m-Extent most close to the requested m-Extent AND is on the lattice of observed m-Extents stored within the given x-object. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2005) Shrinkage Regression: ridge, BLUP, Bayes, spline and Stein. Electronic book-in-progress (185+ pages.) http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.2. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
, eff.ridge
and MLtrue
data(tycobb) form <- batavg~atbats+seasons+CMspl rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=tycobb) tycfit <- RXpredict(rxefobj, tycobb, m="minMSE") plot(tycfit) tycobb$batavg[18] # Ty Cobb's batavg = 0.401 in 1922 abline(h=tycfit$cry[18], lty=2, lwd=3, col="red")
data(tycobb) form <- batavg~atbats+seasons+CMspl rxefobj <- eff.ridge(form, data=tycobb) tycfit <- RXpredict(rxefobj, tycobb, m="minMSE") plot(tycfit) tycobb$batavg[18] # Ty Cobb's batavg = 0.401 in 1922 abline(h=tycfit$cry[18], lty=2, lwd=3, col="red")
Compute and display (x,y) plots with their linear and gam() spline y-predictions.
syxi(form, data, i = 1)
syxi(form, data, i = 1)
form |
A "simple" regression formula [y~x] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
data.frame containing at least 10 observations on both variables in the formula. |
i |
A single integer "index" within 1:25. |
The gam() functon from the mgcv R-package is used to compute and, subsequently, to generate plots that visually compare the "linear" fit from lm(y~x) with a potentially "nonlinear" fit using smoothing parameters. The horizontal axis on type = "sy" plots gives potentially "straightened out" x numerical values.
An output list object of class syxi:
dfname |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
xname |
"xi" as Two or Three Characters. |
sxname |
"si" as Two or Three Characters. |
dfsxf |
A data.frame containing 3 variables: "yvec", "xvec", and "sxfit". |
yxcor |
Pearson correlation between "yvec" and "xvec". |
yscor |
Pearson correlation between "yvec" and "sxfit". |
xscor |
Pearson correlation between "xvec" and "sxfit". |
lmyxc |
lm() Coefficients (intercept and slope) for y ~ x. |
lmysc |
lm() Coefficients (intercept and slope) for y ~ sxfit. |
adjR2 |
Adjusted R2 value from gam.sum$r.sq. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2023) Nonlinear Generalized Ridge Regression. arXiv preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05161
library(mgcv) data(longley2) form = GNP ~ Year GNPpred = syxi(form, data=longley2, i = 1) plot(GNPpred, type="xy") title(main="y = GNP on x1 = Year") plot(GNPpred, type="sy") title(main="y = GNP on Spline for Year")
library(mgcv) data(longley2) form = GNP ~ Year GNPpred = syxi(form, data=longley2, i = 1) plot(GNPpred, type="xy") title(main="y = GNP on x1 = Year") plot(GNPpred, type="sy") title(main="y = GNP on Spline for Year")
Linear Regression models can be used to predict Ty Cobb's Expected true yearly batting averages from his observed yearly "batavg" and the 5 other variables stored in the "tycobb" data.frame. Predictions from such "models" can address the question: "Was Ty Cobb ever a TRUE .400 hitter?" Since a player's seasonal batavg is a "random variable," the fact that Cobb's batavg was 0.4196 in 1911 and 0.4105 in 1912 does not necessarily imply that his Expected Seasonal batavg was truly over .400 in either of those consecutive seasons. For example, his batavg was 0.4011 in 1922 (10 years later). However, his seasonal batavg had dipped to "only" 0.3341 in 1920.
"Cobb lived off the field as though he wished to live forever. He lived on the field as though it was his last day." – Branch Rickey, Major League Baseball Hall of Fame executive.
A data frame with 24 observations (years) on the following 6 variables.
Ty Cobb's 24 American League Seasons: 1905 - 1928.
Total number of Hits that season.
Total number of times at Bat that season.
Carl Morris' Piecewise-Linear Spline term with "knot" in season 6 (1910).
A linear "Trend" term: 1, 2, ..., 24.
Cobb's Seasonal Batting Average ... 7 decimal places.
Carl Morris. (1982). "Was Ty Cobb ever a TRUE .400 hitter?" One-page Handout for his JSM Lecture on August 18 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Apply least angle regression estimation to the uncorrelated components of a possibly ill-conditioned linear regression model and generate normal-theory maximum likelihood TRACE displays.
uc.lars(form, data, rscale = 1, type = "lar", trace = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
uc.lars(form, data, rscale = 1, type = "lar", trace = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, omdmin = 9.9e-13)
form |
A regression formula [y~x1+x2+...] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on all variables in the formula. |
rscale |
One of three possible choices (0, 1 or 2) for "rescaling" of variables (after being "centered") to remove all "non-essential" ill-conditioning: 0 implies no rescaling; 1 implies divide each variable by its standard error; 2 implies rescale as in option 1 but re-express answers as in option 0. |
type |
One of "lasso", "lar" or "forward.stagewise" for function lars(). Names can be abbreviated to any unique substring. Default in uc.lars() is "lar". |
trace |
If TRUE, lars() function prints out its progress. |
eps |
The effective zero for lars(). |
omdmin |
Strictly positive minimum allowed value for one-minus-delta (default = 9.9e-013.) |
uc.lars() applies Least Angle Regression to the uncorrelated components of a possibly ill-conditioned set of x-variables. A closed-form expression for the lars/lasso shrinkage delta factors exits in this case: Delta(i) = max(0,1-k/abs[PC(i)]), where PC(i) is the principal correlation between y and the i-th principal coordinates of X. Note that the k-factor in this formulation is limited to a subset of [0,1]. MCAL=0 occurs at k=0, while MCAL = p results when k is the maximum absolute principal correlation.
An output list object of class uc.lars:
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument. |
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
p |
Number of regression predictor variables. |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate of error. |
prinstat |
Listing of principal statistics. |
gmat |
Orthogonal matrix of direction cosines for regressor principal axes. |
lars |
An object of class lars. |
coef |
Matrix of shrinkage-ridge regression coefficient estimates. |
risk |
Matrix of MSE risk estimates for fitted coefficients. |
exev |
Matrix of excess MSE eigenvalues (ordinary least squares minus ridge.) |
infd |
Matrix of direction cosines for the estimated inferior direction, if any. |
spat |
Matrix of shrinkage pattern multiplicative delta factors. |
mlik |
Listing of criteria for maximum likelihood selection of M-extent-of-shrinkage. |
sext |
Listing of summary statistics for all M-extents-of-shrinkage. |
mClk |
Most Likely Extent of Shrinkage Observed: best multiple of (1/steps) <= p. |
minC |
Minimum Observed Value of Normal-theory -2*log(Likelihood). |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Hastie T, Efron, B. (2013) lars: Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise. ver 1.2, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lars
Obenchain RL. (1994-2005) Shrinkage Regression: ridge, BLUP, Bayes, spline and Stein. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxucobj <- uc.lars(form, data=longley2) rxucobj plot(rxucobj) str(rxucobj)
data(longley2) form <- GNP~GNP.deflator+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year+Employed rxucobj <- uc.lars(form, data=longley2) rxucobj plot(rxucobj) str(rxucobj)
Compute and display Normal-theory ML Shrinkage statistics when a y-Outcome Variable is regressed upon a SINGLE x-Variable (i.e. p = 1). This illustration is usefull in regression pedagogy. The OLS (BLUE) estimate is a scalar in these simple cases, so the MSE optimal Shrinkage factor, dMSE, is also a scalar less than +1 and greater than 0 when cor(y,x) differs from Zero. The corresponding m-Extent of Optimal Shrinkage is marked by the "purple" vertical dashed-line on all YonX() TRACE Diagnostics.
YonX(form, data, delmax = 0.999999)
YonX(form, data, delmax = 0.999999)
form |
A regression formula [y ~ x] suitable for use with lm(). |
data |
Data frame containing observations on both variables in the formula. |
delmax |
Maximum allowed value for Shrinkage delta-factor that is strictly less than 1. (default = 0.999999, which prints as 1 when rounded to fewer than 6 decimal places.) |
Since only a single x-Variable is being used, these "simple" models are (technically) NOT "Ill-conditioned". Of course, the y-Outcome may be nearly multi-collinear with the given x-Variable, but this simply means that the model then has low "lack-of-fit". In fact, the OLS estimate can never have the "wrong" numerical sign in these simple p = 1 models! Furthermore, since "risk" estimates are scalar-valued, no "exev" TRACE is routinely displayed; its content duplicates information in the "rmse" TRACE. Similarly, no "infd" TRACE is displayed because any "inferior direction" COSINE would be either: +1 ("upwards") when an estimate is decreasing, or -1 ("downwards") when an estimate is increasing. The m-Extent of shrinkage is varied from 0.000 to 1.000 in 1000 "steps" of size 0.001.
An output list object of class YonX:
data |
Name of the data.frame object specified as the second argument. |
form |
The regression formula specified as the first argument to YonX() must have only ONE right-hand-side X-variable in calls to YonX(). |
p |
Number of X-variables MUST be p = 1 in YonX(). |
n |
Number of complete observations after removal of all missing values. |
r2 |
Numerical value of R-square goodness-of-fit statistic. |
s2 |
Numerical value of the residual mean square estimate for error. |
prinstat |
Vector of five Principal Statistics: eigval, sv, b0, rho & tstat. |
yxnam |
Character Names of "Y" and "X" data vectors. |
yvec |
"Y" vector of data values. |
xvec |
"X" vector of data values. |
coef |
Vector of Shrinkage regression Beta-coefficient estimates: delta * B0. |
rmse |
Vector of Relative MSE Risk estimates starting with the rmse of the OLS estimate. |
spat |
Vector of Shrinkage (multiplicative) delta-factors: 1.000 to 0.000 by -0.001. |
qrsk |
Vector of Quatratic Relative MSE Risk estimates with minimum at delta = dMSE. |
exev |
Vector of Excess Eigenvalues = Difference in MSE Risk: OLS minus GRR. |
mlik |
Normal-theory Likelihood ...for Maximum Likelihood estimation of Shrinkage m-Extent. |
sext |
Listing of summary statistics for all M-extents-of-shrinkage. |
mUnr |
Unrestricted optimal m-Extent of Shrinkage from the dMSE estimate; mUnr = 1 - dMSE. |
mClk |
Most Likely Observed m-Extent of Shrinkage: best multiple of (1/steps) <= 1. |
minC |
Minimum Observed Value of CLIK Normal-theory -2*log(Likelihood-Ratio). |
minE |
Minimum Observed Value of EBAY (Empirical Bayes) criterion. |
minR |
Minimum Observed Value of RCOF (Random Coefficients) criterion. |
minRR |
Minimum Relative Risk estimate. |
mRRm |
m-Extent of the Minimum Relative Risk estimate. |
mReql |
m-Extent where the "qrsk" estimate is first >= the observed OLS RR at m = 0. |
Phi2ML |
Maximum Likelihood estimate of the Phi-Squared noncentrality parameter of the F-ratio for testing H: true beta-coefficient = zero. |
Phi2UB |
Unbiased Phi-Squared noncentrality estimate. This estimate can be negative. |
dALT |
This Maximim Likelihood estimate of Optimal Shrinkage has serious Downward Bias. |
dMSE |
Best Estimate of Optimal Shrinkage Delta-factor from the "Correct Range" adjustment to the Unbiased Estimate of the NonCentrality of the F-ratio for testing Beta = 0. |
Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>
Obenchain RL. (1978) Good and Optimal Ridge Estimators. Annals of Statistics 6, 1111-1121. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344314
Obenchain RL. (2022) Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression. Open Statistics 3: 1-18. doi:10.1515/stat-2022-0108
Obenchain RL. (2022) RXshrink_in_R.PDF RXshrink package vignette-like document, Version 2.1. http://localcontrolstatistics.org
and MLtrue
data(haldport) form <- heat ~ p4caf YXobj <- YonX(form, data=haldport) YXobj plot(YXobj)
data(haldport) form <- heat ~ p4caf YXobj <- YonX(form, data=haldport) YXobj plot(YXobj)