1. ICEinfer::dpunc
    Output list object of class ICEuncrt for the High Uncertainty numerical example in the ICEinfer package, data(dulxparx).
  2. ICEinfer::dpwdg
    Output list object of class ICEwedge for the High Uncertainty example, data(dulxparx)
  3. ICEinfer::dulxparx
    Data for the High Uncertainty numerical example of Obenchain et al. (2005)
  4. ICEinfer::fluoxpin
    Data from a double-blind clinical trial comparing fluoxetine plus pindolol with fluoxetine alone
  5. ICEinfer::fluoxtca
    Cost-Effectiveness data for 1242 MDD patients from Marketscan(SM) claims database
  6. ICEinfer::sepsis
    Artificial data.frame of 7 characteristics of patients treated for septic shock
  7. NU.Learning::pci15k
    Six-month Survival, Cardiac cost and Baseline Covariate data for 15,487 PCI patients.
  8. NU.Learning::pmdata
    Particulate Matter, Mortality and Other data for 2980 US Counties
  9. NU.Learning::radon
    Radon exposure and lung cancer mortality data for 2,881 US counties in 46 States.
  10. RXshrink::haldport
    Portland Cement data of Hald(1952)
  11. RXshrink::longley2
    Art Hoerl's update of the infamous Longley(1967) benchmark dataset
  12. RXshrink::mpg
    Hocking(1976) Miles Per Gallon data: a Multiple Regression Benchmark
  13. RXshrink::tycobb
    Ty Cobb batting statistics for 1905-1928 with Carl Morris' 2-piece Spline term.